Moderatori: Messanensis, Alessio Bruno Bedini, GENS VALERIA
GENS VALERIA ha scritto:Secondo una ricerca di Spencer Wells, archeologo-genetista che studia la storia dell'uomo con l'ausilio della genetica,un essere umano su 17 deriva dal ceppo dei Fenici.
Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1c1* (E-M34*). This haplogroup has its highest concentration in Ethiopia and in the Near East (Jordan). According to the authors of the study, "Probably Napoléon also knew his remote oriental patrilineal origins, because Francesco Buonaparte (the Giovanni son), who was a mercenary under the orders of the Genoa Republic in Ajaccio in 1490, was nicknamed “The Maur of Sarzane” ".[65]
[65] ... view/10609
Reconstruction of the Lineage Y Chromosome Haplotype of Napoléon the First ha scritto:Abstract:
As part of the Napoléon I Genome (NIG) project we have reconstructed, based on more than one hundred YSTRs (Yshort tandem repeats), the complete Y haplotype of the non-recombinant part of the Y chromosome (NRY) of French Emperor Napoléon I (1769-1821). We already knew the allelic values at Y-markers of the Y-chromosome of Napoléon I, but only for the palindromic STR YCAIIa and b and for the non-palindromic Y-STR DYS19. The present reconstruction aims to compare the allelic values at Y-STRs of the DNA of Charles Napoléon (C.N.), the living 4th generation descendant of Jérôme Bonaparte (Napoléon I’s youngest brother), with those of Alexandre Colonna Walewski (A.C.W.), the living 4th generation descendant of Count Alexandre Walewski (the son born of the union between Napoléon I and Countess Maria Walewska). We have previously established that Napoléon I, C.N. and A.C.W. are of the same Y-haplogroup E1b1b1b2a1. The allelic values for C.N. and A.C.W. are the same for ninety-three other non-palindromic markers (belonging to ninety different STRs) and for thirty-eight otherpalindromic markers (belonging to fifteen different STRs); these values then constitute those deduced in the reconstruction of the allelic values of the STR markers of the Napoléon I’s Y-haplotype. Four non-palindromic STRs and two palindromic STRs have different allelic values in C.N. and A.C.W.; we have deduced the allelic value of Napoléon I for one (DYS454), and the probable allelic values for two (Y-GATA -C4 and DYS712) of these non-palindromic variable STRs. To sum up, we have established, by reconstruction of the lineage, the allelic values of the markers of Napoléon I’s Y-haplotype for a total of one-hundred and thirty-three different Y-STR markers
Alessio Bruno Bedini ha scritto:
L'aplogruppo confermato per Napoleone I è E-M34* con SNPs positivi M123+, M34+, L791+ e L792+ ... great.html
Alessio Bruno Bedini ha scritto:Penso sia più probabile che gli antenati di Napoleone fossero stati fenici ..
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